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My name is Marco Rizzi, I was born in 1985.
In that year David Bowie debuted with “This is not America”, discouraging the dreams of many.

Fortunately, I was too young to listen to the radio.

After graduating in Legal Sciences I choose to migrate from Bari, to closely follow a family industrial reality, a few thousand km from Italy, which becomes my daily commitment.

So my life is divided between one airport and another, between affection and ambition.

Then the trip to the States, the curiosity, the amazement. At the Metropolitan I am struck by a canvas:
Olive trees with yellow sky and sun. Van Gogh takes me back to Puglia.

So I realize, perhaps for the first time, that I still don’t have a dream. I look back, retrace the road home, get back to my roots and I decide to grow one.

I restart from the land, a land steeped in history and family tradition, in the Fasano area.

Change of residence. Montalbano, a small hamlet in the municipality of Fasano.

I found America here, Bowie!

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